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E.y.m.s. Aim To Cut Out "dead Wood !, Cuttin G Fre Q...
some of I- 8 their unremunerative routes, East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., hoped to prevent fare increases, the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners were told last week. Five......
T.u.c. To Discuss Children's Fares .
H ALF-FARE bus travel for children up to the a g e of 15 will be discussed at the Trades Union Con g ress in Blackpool next month. A motion from the Post Office Controllin g......
N.r.t.f. Road Schemes Being Tackled
UTANY of the road-improvement Ilft schemes which were advocated by the National Road 'Transport Federation four years a g o havenow been tackled by the Ministry of Transport,......
Catchment Area Restricted
THE fact that an operator was advert tisin g and offerin g tours at places far removed from his g atherin g g round was not in itself a sufficient reason to g rant additional......