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More Evidence To Be Called In
M etropolitan Area Take-over Bids THE Metropolitan Licensing Authority is in future to require statements by applicants for take-over licences that they will continue to serve a......
Substantial Drop In Lorry Thefts
QUBSTANTIALLY fewer lorry thefts t , --; were reported in the Metropolitan Police district during the first nine months of this year, compared with the same period last year.......
Traders Urged To Drop Restrictions On Unloading Vehicles
R ESTRICT1ONS on loading an d N. unloading were reviewed at a council meeting of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce on Monday. Mr. H. M. Lewis, chairman of the Road Traffic......
Hauliers Discuss Toll Charges
O PPOSITION to the payment of tolls, expressed by many areas of the Road Haulage Association, was considered at Wednesday's meeting in London of tip Association's executive......