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£1 A Night For Lorry Parking?
by John Darker • The Greater London Council is supervising a pilot study of all-night parking of commercial vehicles in Islington. Widespread public concern over the delay in......
Now 28-ton Artics
on short-term hire by S. Buckley • As from today (February 2) operators can obtain a Ford D1000 tractive unit for £12 a day (or £60 a week) plus is a mile. A Boden Mark II......
Shift Allowances
• British Road Services salaried staff required to work twoor three-shift rotations are to receive an additional payment of 7+ per cent of basic salary from January 29. A......
• 40 Hour Week
• The standard working week in road haulage will be cut from 41 to 40 hours from February 26- - but hauliers are warned that they will have to absorb the 3.3 per cent cost in......
Vehicle Check System'
• A do-it-yourself goods vehicle check system to enable operators to comply with the inspection and maintenance record sections of the 1967 Road Safety Act (S.18) is to be......