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Union Accepts Tad°, But Retains The Discs
TRADE UNION resistance to the tachograph disappeared last week when the Transport and General Workers Union's lorry drivers agreed to accept it from January 1982, But they will......
Nc Drivers Toe Line
DRIVERS at National Carriers have fallen in line with others at the National Freight Corporation by accepting a new £77 basic weekly wage. The company has reached agreement with......
Miles Tax Rejected
THE TAXATION of heav lorries according to annu; mileage following the intn duction of tachographs wi rejected last week by Tran port Minister Norman Fowle He told the MP who put......
Shell Men In Session
DELEGATES representit Shell's 1500 tanker drive were still locked in discussio at the Transport and Genet Workers Union headquarte as we closed for press Tuesday evening. Shell......