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It's A Bullseye
A new process for repairing bullseye and combination breaks in laminated windscreens has been launched by Silver Screens of Coventry, Warwickshire. They cost from around £30 —......
New Books On Brakes
THREE new publications on air brake system technology and parts identification are available from Bendix, of Bristol. The introduction to Air Brakes at E4 per copy explains the......
Econofreight's Special N12s
THREE long wheelbase Volvo N12s, specially modified with three-man crew cabs, have been imported for the heavy haulage operation of Teesidebased Econofreight Transport. The......
Nova Conversion Order
DESPITE strong competition from production line models, Great Western Motors of Reading has won an £89,000 order to supply 23 of its dealer-converted Vauxhall Nova vans to the......