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Jobs Warning At Nfc...
by Martin Heminway • NFC's new chairman has warned of further job losses, a month after the group posted stagnant financial results. Speaking at the group's AGM, Sir Christopher......
...and No Cash For Rise At Brs
• BRS Scotland has warned its drivers that there is no money available for a wage rise this year. Transport and Genera l Workers Union representatives negotiating with the firm......
Driver Took Part In Faked Hijack
• A lorry driver's two-and-ahalf year sentence for a faked hijack of his L56,000 load was a fair sentence, a court has decided. David James Abbott of Forest Park, Bracknell was......
Cm Offers Another 100 Scania Cds
• Reader response to the CM/Scania CD offer has been phenomenal and we're in the process of sending out CDs to the first 250 who got their applications for the free CD into our......