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21 Artics Reduced By Nine
• Following an amendment to meet three objectors, Canton Transport Ltd., of Holywell, was granted a new B licence for 12 artics and an addition to its A licence normal user. The......
Two More Pennies To Cross
• An increase of 2d per single journey across the Forth Road Bridge has been granted to W. Alexander and Sons (Fife) Ltd., a Scottish Bus Group company. The application, claimed......
Licence For Power Men Opposed
• A Fife coach company, convicted in July for operating workmen's coaches between Glasgow and Longannet, Fife, without a road service licence, applied to the Scottish Traffic......
Clean Record For 22 Years
• A small Norfolk haulage company, D. Walker and Son Ltd., of Framingham Pigot, had two of its nine vehicles suspended for a month by the deputy Eastern LA, Mr. Gerald Kidner,......
Grant To 'illegal' Operator Upheld
• An appeal by Pude Waste Disposals (North West) Ltd. against a grant of a B licence to Waste Services (Preston) Ltd. for four tankers and one tipper subject to the condition......
Northern's First 0 Bid
The first public inquiry for operators' licence applications in the Northern Traffic Area will be heard in Newcastle upon Tyne on Monday, January 5, by the Northern LA, Mr. J.......