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Marathon Gets Mixed
reception from BRS GOOD pulling power and general engine performance, trouble-tree gearbox operation and satisfactory suspension— but high tyre wear, some piston troubles and a......
0-licence Investigation
A COMPLAINT about delays in providing 0 licences has been rejected by Dr John Gilbert, the Minister for Transport. Mr Gwilym Roberts (Labour, Cannock) said in the Commons that......
Axles Secured By Tarpaulin
EPWORTH, Lines, magistrates have fined Consolidated Land Services (Immingham) Ltd £25 with £15.53 costs for operating a vehicle with an insecure load — railway axles secured by......
Hauliers Get The Hump
EXPERIMENTAL road humps are to be installed in Glasgow to determine whether they will reduce vehicle speeds and reduce accidents. The "humps," designed by the Transport and Road......
Truck Lost Two Wheels
AFTER a lorry lost two of its rear wheels in Perthshire the driver carried on 50 miles to Edinburgh before he discovered the loss. At Perth Sheriff Court Roderick Noble, 26, of......