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The Rha Meets Mr. Brown
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A FATEFUL, 90-minute meeting in Mr, George Brown's room at the 'House of Commons was the turning point In the Road Haulage Association's......
Confused Hauliers Await Rha Lead
pi PPLY it where you can ", seems to be the general theme of professional hauliers up and down the country when asked by "The Commercial Motor" (before Wednesday's RHA executive......
Rates—reaction From Customers
COMMENT from representatives of industry and agriculture this week revealed the limited nse to which RHA rate recommendations have been applied in the past. Mr. S. C. Bond......
Minister Defends Ltb Pay Rise
TH E seven per cent pay rise for London Transport's 32,000 bus drivers and conductors was defended last week by the Minister of Transport. He had been asked by Mr. Peter Walker......
Political And Parlia.nientar . 5,7•
LIBERAL CHALLENGE ON TRANSPORT POLICY 1BERALS in Parliament are chat. L. longing Mr. Wilson to lay his transport policy open for all to see, following the Transport Minister's......