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Q I Read With Interest Your Article In Cm April 14,
which dealt with a correspondence course in removals management. Could you please inform me where I can obtain more information about how I can enrol for this course. A You can......
Q I Am A Secondhand-vehicle Salesman And Often Have To Kelp
a vehicle at my home. I have to leave the untaxed vehicle on the road as I have no parking facilities but dare not risk leaving the trade plates on the vehicle overnight for the......
"if Any Person Uses Or Keeps On A Public Road
any vehicles for which a licence is not in force . . he will be liable to the greater of the following penalties . £50 or an excise penalty equal to five times the amount of......
( I The Engines Of My Fleet Of Petrotengined Vans Operate
sadsfactorn . ) , on 91 octane fuel, in that they do not knock at any time even when they are lugging in top gear. Occasionally, however, an engine tends to run on when it is......