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The Way In Which To Apply Our Figures For Operating Costs.
A BUNDANT evidence of the appreciation which -Z 3 -is felt for The Commercial Motor's Tables of Operating Costs is constantly forthcoming, and not the least valuable of this......
Our Fleet.
(As Surveyed by the Cartage Manager.) N O, this is not "a naval occasion." These are a • few remarks on what the "boss," in his polished correspondence, lovingly describes as......
The Loss Arising From Unduly Heavy Bodywork.
T HERE is far more in securing good bodywork for any form of commercial vehicle that often comes to the mind of the man who is placing an order, and it has before now happened......
The Abolition Of Level‘crossings.
F itOINI a table giving the number of accidents at railway level-crossings from 1915 to 1925, recently placed before Parliament, it appears that in the latter year there were 39......