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The Law On Sacking
• In a comprehensive study of the working of Industrial Tribunals since the passing of the Industrial Relations Act Mr Bowes Egan has revealed many examples of wrong-headedness......
00,000 Start
for transport company • Financial backing to the tune of £50,000 has enabled three transport men to set up their own transport and warehousing group, called Ulamine Ltd. The......
Environment And Transport
• A symposium entitled The Environment and Transport Technology is to be held at Loughborough University of Technology from September 10-13, 1973. The topics to be discussed......
New Leeds Ldoy Secretary
• Mr Ross Maudsley has been elected honorary organizing secretary for the Leeds centre of the LDoY. All inquiries should be sent to Mr Maudsley at the Bradford and District......
Not A Zero For Freight
• In the comment on value added tax and insurance on page 20 of last week's CM, our insurance correspondent stated that transport was fortunate in being zero rated. This should,......