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Ticwr Tanks
South Wales-based Blue Circle Cement has taken delivery of a fleet of lightweight bulk cement tankers from Heil Trailer International. The aluminium tankers have a tare weight......
Ant Actnni
Hauliers and farmers in the North-East are considering joint action to draw attention to their grievances with the government. A meeting will be held on Saturday 11 March, 7pm......
More Freight
P&O Ferries freight journeys rose on all routes other than Portsmouth in 1999.......
Wm Tunnel
The British and Irish transport ministries are to consider a proposal for a 60-mile tunnel linking Holyhead with Dublin. The cost of the link, which would be built using a new......
Tiny Tian
Conservative party leader William Hague will open the Commercial Vehicle Show at the Birmingham NEC on 28 March. He will be taking his Keep the Pound" 7.5-tanner to the event.......
Wine Warning
Hoverspeed has been warned by HM Customs &Excise that wine transported under its new home delivery service is liable to UK duty and to forfeiture. Hoverspeed has been advised to......
Drivers Drain Their Tanks To Sell Diesel On Black Market
CM NNESTNIATION se leading transport companies are being ripped off by drivers who are selling the fuel in their tanks as part of a widespread black market in diesel. Other......
Taphaul Directors Deny Link With New Firm
• The directors of Taphaul, the Cowdenbeath haulier which went into liquidation last month, are denying any link between it and a new company operating from the same industrial......