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New Tacho Handbook
A NEW tachograph edition of the Freight Transport Association's Drivers' Handbook has been published and gives goods vehicle drivers a guide to the regulations affecting them......
Enterpriso Booklet
COMPANIES attracted by Government's proposed En prise Zones will find full det in a booklet published by Department of the Environmi The booklet, which lists ten-year tax,......
Scotland A77: A 12 Tons Axle Limit And 50 Ton
gross vehicle weight limit applies at the Water of Girvan bridge until December 31. M90: Because of subsidence, both carriageways are reduced to a single lane in each direction......
Northern England Al (m): Contraflow Traffic Will Be In...
until mid-November on a 5.6-mile section from north of the Blind Lane interchange (A167 Chester-le-Street) to south of the Carrville interchange (A690 Durham). When the southern......
Midlands Al: The Foston By-pass In Lincolnshire Will Have...
Ml: From May 5 until early October there will be continuous 24hour two-way traffic on one carriageway from junction 16 (Northampton West) for four miles towards Watford Gap. M5:......
South-east England Ml: Contraflow Traffic Is In Operation...
miles from Watford Gap services southwards to two miles south of junction 15 until November. For part of the time, sliproads to and from the southbound carriageway will be......
Wales And The West M4: Annual Spring Resurfacing Work On
the Severn Bridge has already begun, but no work will take place over the May bank holiday weekend. M5: Resurfacing work is in progress in both directions between unctions 14......
Ireland Dublin: Major Roadworks At Bachelor's Walk Will...
diverions until later this month. At least one lane is in use at all times.......