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Crackdown Soon On Radioactive Loads
• Tough new regulations governing the transportation of radioactive material by road will soon be introduced. The Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Bill passed its third......
Rha Is Urged B Et Benchmark Rates
• The Road Haulage Association has been urged to publish a new version of its recommended benchmark rates for its members — even if it means risking prosecution under......
Chill Message • In Its Response To The Government's...
paper on the Food Safety Act the reefer operators' trade body Transfrigoroute is calling on the Government to extend international Accord Transport Pens sables, (ATP) (ATP)......
Delays Worsen At The Irish Border
III The Irish border row over the introduction of new computer systems for clearing agents (CM 25 April-1 May) is hotting up with some truck drivers reporting delays of more......
Green Scheme To Slow Red Route
• The Department of Transport is considering a "green wave" system of traffic lights for its north London Red Route pilot scheme in an attempt to stamp out speeding. In theory......
More Permits • The European Conunission Has Approved A 10%
increase in EC cabotage permits for 12 months from 1 July: an increase of 1,536 authorisations. This is the maximum the Commission can approve under current rules. The UK gains......