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Wheel Loss Discharge
1 . Fleetwoodbased Pandoro and one of its drivers were given absolute discharges last week for using a vehicle with dangerous parts. The company's fleet engineer said he......
Ownership Doubts
• Doubts about the ownership of the proposed operating centre of Barbara and David Littleford, trading as D B Transport, have led the partners to abandon their application for a......
Lovitts Longer
• Scarboroughbased Ridge Car, trading as Lovitts Coaches, has had its PSV Operators' Licence extended for a further six months, following a Leeds public inquiry. In March the......
Bowker Loses On Weight Case
• A Northampton Crown Court judge dismissed appeals last week by Blackburn-based W H Bowker against fines totalling 2600 imposed by Daventry Magistrates for a gross and second......
One Year Only
• Maintenance problems and convictions have led to the licence of Blackburn-based John Battrick and Margaret Brown, trading as M&E Coaches, being renewed for one year only and......
More For Reid • Reid Freight Services, A Company Whose
principal director Julie Reid was ordered to attend a new operators' seminar by West Midland Licensing Authority John Mervyn Pugh (CM 713 September), has been allowed to......
Time For Evidence
• North Eastern Licensing Authority Frederick Whalley has adjoumer consideration of the renewal of the licence for 13 vehicles and three trailers held by R Robinson Bros of......