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New Range Of Small Coaches
• A range of 15 /17-seat coaches known as the Axcough Clubman and based on the Austin-Morris EA 8ft 6in. wheelbase chassis is now available from Cars and Commercials Ltd, 67......
Duple Group Show Record
• Orders worth £1.48m were received by Duple Motor Bodies Ltd at the Commercial Motor Show—a record figure, beating that for 1968 by more than 10 per cent—the company announced......
Lt 'brands Hatch Races' Exaggerated
• Suggestions in the Press that London Transport bus drivers were indulging in "Brands Hatch type" races in order to swell their pay packets were dismissed by London Transport......
Traffic Scheme Blamed For Revenue Drop
• Only three months after the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners granted Maidstone Corporation permission to increase its fares on its buses—sufficient to bring in over £51,000......
Rural Councils To Run Diy Services?
• Following market-day minibus service operated by Pickering rural council on three routes to outlying country villages, the Rural District Councils Association has distributed......
Cut In Ulsterbus Profits
• Ulsterbus Ltd reports that profits before tax for the year ended March 31 1970 were £366,537, compared with £400,319 for the previous year. The reduction was due to civil......
Bus Briefs
• Tyneside PTA is to hold a special meeting to discuss bus services in the Newcastle upon Tyne area, which are seriously affected by a manpower shortage. In recent weeks Sunday......