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Royalist Revived
by Derek Moses UOLLOWING closely on the news that a leading bus builder is to have a real crack at the luxury coach market (COMMERCIAL Moron, August 19) another leading bus......
°using Shortage Means River Shortage
)15T of 22 applications to fill jobs as bus drivers for Chiltern Queens Ltd., 21 of applicants stated that it would be neces:y for them to be provided with living accomxlation.......
No Thaw In Municipal Pay Freeze
A T a special meeting in London on Wednesday union officials speaking for busmen employed by municipal undertakings asked the local authority representatives to implement......
Busmen And That 9s. 3d.
'ELEVEN northern local authorities operating transport services unanimously decided on Tuesday, August 23 to recommend their undertakings to back the Government's prices and......
No Support For Glasgow Busmen
GLASGOW CORPORATION has decided that it cannot support the TGWU's attempt to secure immediate payment of the 9s. 3d. a week wage increase awarded to municipal busmen before the......