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Flag Waver
It was only last week that I turned to thinking how long it was since I had heard of the anti-jack-knifing activities of Fred Hope when, hey presto, up he popped. A real flag......
Barking Whodunnit
I met Dennis Bloomfield of Barking Motor Services and Enginering last week. No, I don't expect you know, him, unless you work around East London or the Middle East. Dennis was......
Down Under
An Australian truck operator's recent experience clearly demonstrates that the transport man knows the same joys and sorrows and suffers the same strains and pains the world......
Raise Standards
Stanclards—rthat's what we seem to have let slip; we've got out of the habit of complaining when complaining is justified. But not all of us have given up and the success pf a......
State Side
Columbia Warner has just released a new film called White Line Fever. It's all about the American haulage business, a sort of transatlantic version of The Brothers, which......
Air Wave Cm
It's not only the manufacturers who make the big time. Today, Friday, as you drive to the office, yard or factory you may just have heard CM mentioned on your local commercial......
Fair Enough
Bent on improving their image, Glasgow busmen are reported to be about to launch their own news sheet for public consumption. The first issue, due out in June, will have a......