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Q What Is The Current Position With Regard To The
marking of names, registered offices and weights on commercial vehicles under 30cwt used in the food trade? We understand that the registered office should be fixed within the......
Q I Have Read That Diesel Smoke Emission Is Increased
if injection timing is retarded. A fellow operator has mentioned that the cause of excessive smoking in a particular case was traced to an injection timing that was too far......
Q Could You Tell Me The Names And Prices Of
any publications which clearly explain in simple terms operators" licensing and vehicle plating? A Details of vehicle testing and plating are to be found in "The Goods Vehicle......
Q If A Normal Driving Licence Was Destroyed By Fire
could the holder obtain a fresh three-year licence as an alternative to a duplicate licence, thereby increasing the period after February 2 in which heavy goods vehicles can be......
Q I Wish To Know The Formula For The
loading capacity of a given vehicle, when the tyre size, chassis and wheelbase, kerb weight and the plated weights are known. Could you tell me where I can obtain more details......
Q I Would Like To Raise A Query Regarding The New
"0"-licence application form as described in Commercial Motor on November 7. Take question 7 (a) Oil "by hiring": does this include vehicles on contract hire where the driver is......