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Return Research
• I am currently in my third year of a BSc honours degree in Maritime Studies at Liverpool Polytechnic and ( am currently researching for my dissertation on the subject of......
Cars To Blame
in Like many people in the road transport industry, I have followed the news of speed limiters and lower speed restrictions being forced upon us by the bureaucrats at both......
Buy British
• I read with horror that Bedfordshire County Council is buying Hino trucks. Surely this is kick in the teeth to AWD and Renault Trucks, who both have bases in Bedfordshire, and......
No Minister
• With reference to the enforcement of the maximum speed for trucks throughout the EC Mr Rifkind has once again shown that he and his minions are not interested in the British......
Speed Of Light
• I have been following with interest the arguments for and against the new speed limits for HGVs and PCVs. From my own experience driving around the UK I feel that the majority......