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Herts Hauliers Ask For Police Help On Thefts
• Hertfordshire hauliers are calling on the police to take action following a spate of thefts of trucks and plant. Over the past month thieves have struck at 10 haulage and......
Hauliers Face Racism Label
by Karen Miles • Many road transport operators operate racist employment policies, says the Transport and General Workers Union, which is monitoring hauliers to assess the......
Scoitish Law Used To Force Response From Slow Payer
• A Falkirk haulier has been forced to go to court in a bid to retrieve 212,500 it is owed by Grangemouth-based Currie Line Haulage (CLH). Andrew Phillips of Andrew Phillips......
Manslaughter Charge
• The former transport manager of Fewston Transport will face a manslaughter charge next week—the first case of its kind to be brought against a truck operator involved in a......