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Crackdown At Crick
• A check on international hauliers using the MI was undertaken by the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Constabular this week. The vehicle check, centred on the Crick......
• The Eec Commission Is To Hold New Talks With
Austria, Yugoslavia and Switzerland on the thorny subject of transit by international transport — but no EEC money for infrastructure improvements will be offered. This has been......
• New Eec Limits On Exhaust Fumes From Heavy Lorries
and buses were agreed by EEC Environment Ministers at a meeting in Brussels last week. The directive could cost manufacturers up to £1,500 per vehicle, according to a British......
Hgv Accident Death Toll Falling In '87
• Despite the growing number of vehicles on Britain's roads, the number of people killed or injured in traffic accidents fell during the first quarter of the year, according to......