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Mr Speed Reports Foreign Trucks
on slow-motion lorry study Local authorities must help, says MP • The Department of the Environment is "well engaged – on its extremely comprehensive study, "Lorries and the......
• Fifteen Thousand More Goods Vehicles Were Registered In...
UK in January to May this year than in the same five months of 1971 — and foreign vehicles' share of the market exceeded 10 per cent for the first time. Latest DoE figures show......
Mps' Motion On Weights
• Twenty-six Labour MPs on Tilesday tabled a Commons motion expressing grave concern at the threat that the axle weight limit on lorries may be increased beyond the present......
Underfloor Porn
• A Danish lorry driver, Mr P. E. Knudsen, was imprisoned for nine months at Newcastle Crown Court this week following the seizing by Customs of the biggest ever consignment of......