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Coming Into Line With Europe
U RGENT consultations were taking place within the Ministry of Transport in an endeavour to bring British standards into line with European standards, Lord Derwent revealed on......
More Collaboration Needed
S PEAKING at the Central London SubArea Banquet and Ball of the Road Haulage Association on Friday, Mr. G. K. Newman, secretary-general of the Association, expressed a wish for......
A New And Formidable Challenge
T HE national chairman of the Road Haulage Association, Mr. D. 0. Good, speaking at the annual dinner of the Association's North Western (Eastern) Area at Blackpool on......
Forty-hour-week Agreements
A GUARANTEED working week of I -1 40 hours, reduced from 42 hours, has been agreed by Schweppes Ltd. and Pease Transport Ltd., for members of the Transport and General Workers......