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Do you want to comment on any of the stories in Commercial Motor? Does someone in the industry deserve a pat on the backāor a public dressing down? Or is there simply something......
Be Responsible
T he report by David Craik (Call for agency liability change, CM 16-22 October) raises important questions about the way in which many driver employment agencies refuse to......
Loaded Training
J am writing in response to the debate on training featured in your "Loaded Question" article (CM 24-30 July). It included arguments for and against drivers training on laden......
Driver's View: 2
I 'm a Class 1 British driver, currently unemployed, and I take offence at John Heads' comments about the lack of professionalism among the country's driving force ("Are British......
Comments Sought On Lorry Speed Limiters
am a third-year student studying Design I & Technology at The College of St Mark & St John in Plymouth, and as part of an extended study for my degree I am investigating the use......