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The Welsh Go To War Over The Latest Increase In Diesel Duty
A CONVOY OF 80 trucks converged on Cardiff last Saturday (25 October) to protest against the government's latest fuel tax hike. Hauliers from all over Wales joined the run from......
Cabotage Drives Down Uk Rates
THE UK IS the third most `cabotaged' country in the EU. According to the EU's statistics office. Eurostat, cabotage where foreign operators take domestic loads amounted to 10......
Parking Crisis
Lord Bradshaw, the Lib Democrat's transport spokesman, has tabled question in the House o Lords on the parking cri for trucks. This follows a highlighting the crisis frc CM......
Ramsay Leys
Ramsay Leys, who drod for Wrings Transport, die last Sunday (26 Octobe Leys, described by his t Stuart Wring as a "perfe gentlemen" had worked the Bristol-based haulier three......
Toll Costs
DaimlerChrysler has admitted that delays to ti launch of LKW-Maut, the German truck road-user charge, could cost the tc consortium as much as €240m this year.......
Driver Shortagi
The haulage industry nee to be more imaginative if i to tackle the chronic drive shortage, according to Wayne Story MD of corp services group Operation But recruiting drivers......
Ram-raid Tippe
Police are hunting thievE who stole a tipper from Kingsbury Garden Cent Tamworth and used it to ram raid a shop and ma off with £15,000 worth of cigarettes. The theft happened......