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Take Provisional Payments"
NfiEMBERS of the long-distance cenIntral panel of the Road Haulage Association, at a meeting on September 22, were advised by Mr. R. Morton Mitchell, the Association's chief......
Qualities Of Sales Managers
rINE of the main qualities of a sales manager should be ability to plan ahead, and a good general manager should leave him a wide field for making decisions. This statement was......
300 Per Cent. More Doulars Needed
A CCORoING to a statement issued to trade associations and other bodies by the Dollar Exports Board, Britain must now earn by exports at least three times as many dollars as......
. R.h.a. Membership Up
A LTHOUGH members have been ('host through nationalization, the Road Haulage Association had, at July 31 this year, slightly more members than at the end of 1948. The......
In A Line Or Two
The offices of the Professional Engineers Appointments Bureau have been moved to 9, Victoria Street, Westtrinster, London, S.VV.1. One of our readers wishes to purchase bound......
New Rubber-metal Bumper
A NEW bumper bar designed for use I — I on coaches has been produced by Weathershields, Ltd., 48, Moor Street, Birmingham. • It consists of black-enamelled backplates, 3-ins, in......
National Transport Strike In Eire.?
A N attempt was made this week by 450 railway road transport workers in Eire to extend a strike, in which they have been taking part for six weeks, throughout the country. The......
Remove Controls— Lord . Nuffield " The34th Internaticinal...
at a time when the -whole economic structure - of the British Empire is at the cross-roads," said Lord Nuffield, in a statement this week. He appealed for the removal of......
No Springs Needed On Special Trailers
IT is not necessary to have springs on 1 a trailer designed for and used in operations over rough roads. This point of law was brought out at Burnley, last week, when -Burrows......
New Device To Save Fuel
K NOWN as the Autoscope, a new device to indicate when depression of the accelerator exceeds engine requirements has been produced by Douglas Holt (1919), Ltd., Eagle Street,......