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Rodgers' Beliefs
TRANSPORT Minister William Rodgers is a firm believer In value for money, he told an international symposium in London this week. "This is stressed in the White Paper," he......
Erf For Rolls. ..or Gardner?
RUMOURS that ERF is to be taken over have led to rises in the company's shares — now Gardner and Rolls-Royce are being tipped as possible bidders. But this week ERF (Holdings)......
New Bill Says Les
THE GOVERNMENT is almost certain to introduce a new Transport Bill in the next session of Parliament said Industry Under Secretary Les Huckfield at the Commercial Motor Fleet......
Fears Over Hours Rules
GRAVE FEARS over the future of British PTE operations if 1 EEC drivers' hours regulations come into force in January hg been expressed by Councillor David Silverman, chairman of......
Students' Cm
CM is making a special offer to all UK students of Thc Chartered Institute of Transport, Institute of Traffic Administration and Institute of Road Transport Engineers Anyone in......
It, Brother
IN A heated exchange in fro of more than 600 delegat from transport manageme last week, Alan Law, a seni official of the Transport a General Workers Union, de] ed an allegation......