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Cordless Electric Drill
P ROBABLY the most important development in the small electric tool field in recent years has been that of Black and Decker, Ltd., with their C.601 fin. Cordless electric drill.......
Mini Bonnet Lock
T HE latest accessory introduced by Key-Leather Co., Ltd., 5 Urswick Road, London, E.9, is the K-L Dash Controlled Mini Bonnet Lock. This is designed for B.M.C. Mini cars and......
Full Range Of Filters
T HE sole selling rights in the U.K. for the full range of Wix oil, fuel and air filters, for replacement purposes have been obtained by Crompton Parkinson, Ltd.. Crompton......
Tyre Standards Change
TABLE P-1B, pages 2-15, of the 1961 I edition of the Tyre and Wheel Standards of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has been revised. New data have been added......
Versatile Spraying
A NEW spraying outfit has been introduced by The Aerograph-DeVilbiss Co., Ltd., Ringwood Road, West Howe, Bournemouth, Hants. The outfit consists of a Tuffy compressor, a CGA......