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Bus Violence Flares In North And South
• What appears to be an upsurge in the number of violent attacks against busmen is causing concern this week within the passenger transport industry. In the North and North West......
Hooliganism Leaves Coachmen Cold
• The current start-of-season spate of football hooliganism, which is costing British Rail so dear, seems to be having little effect on coach operators. Inquiries by CM this......
Late Signing Costs Busmen Elm
• Thousands of drivers and conductors have been left out of a 10 per cent rise in shift allowance because of delays in signing a wage agreement. Although union and management of......
Help Handicapped People Plea By Doe
• A plea to bus operators and manufacturers to help handicapped and disabled travellers is contained in a circular issued this week by the Department of the Environment. The......
£33,000 Bus Lane For Harrow
• An against-the-flow bus lane costing £33,000 in Station Road, Harrow, has been approved by the Greater London Council's west area board. The 390ft lane would operate 24 hours......