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Another London Overtime Ban To Follow Boxing Day Strike
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT TWENTY-THREE London bus routes had unplanned cuts in services on Boxing Day because of a " semi-official " strike by busmen at six garages. The......
New Overtime Plan May Avert Strike
A STRIKE by crews at Birmingham Corporation Transport's Quinton bus garage may be averted by an offer of new overtime schedules, which it is understood the department might......
Liverpool In 1981
T HE period up to 1981 is likely to see considerable changes in bus services in Liverpool. Express buses are likely to be introduced on the primary roads leading to the city......
Bus Priority In Newcastle 1 .- I N The Recommendation Of...
planning officer, Newcastle upon Tyne City Council is carrying out an experiment to speed up the entry of buses into the city. On the Great North Road, the main entry to the......
Edinburgh Goes For The Atlantean
CTANDARDLZAT1ON on Leyland Adult teans, subject to review, has been approved by Edinburgh Corporation, which has sanctioned the spending of £134,483 to replace 100 double-decker......