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Ransport Rowth...
)RDING to a recent mic survey, this year will owth in transport terms, )nly because of the mic stagnation of 1977. is likely to be a ening of expansion in lowever. ! survey......
New Powers For Operator Purge
THE GOVERNMENT is prepared to consider whether any changes should be made in those parts of the Transport Bill which increase powers for dealing with lorries thought tci be......
Irish Licence Warning
IRISH hauliers should not expect continued issue of licences from the Scottish Licensing Authority if they did not comply with the law, Deputy Licensing Authority J. S. Dalgetty......
!ogles Double Freight
TTANY Ferries is dou; its freight capacity on Portsmouth/St Malo and nouth/Roscoff routes. ext month a new ship, the 0 ton Prince of Brittany, ch can take 32 trailers, les into......