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Transport Act Will Revolutionize Perations
• In his presidential address to the Freight Transport Association at Eastbourne yesterday, Mr. J. F. Page (J. Lyons and Co. Ltd.) stressed that • the direct and indirect......
Nafwr General Secretary Fights Glc Election
• Mr. Hugh Wilson, general secretary of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers, has recently been adopted by the Dulwich Conservative Association as......
Mr. Mulley At Lot Lunch
• The Minister of Transport, Mr. Fred Mulley, will be the speaker at the anniversary luncheon of the Institute of Transport to be held on Monday. November 3, at the Connaught......
D-mark Price Changes
• Revaluation of the D-mark will lead to increased prices for German commercial vehicles in this country. Volkswagen told CM that when existing prices had been fixed a possible......