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Panel Silent Under Fire
DESPITE intense feeling on a number of subjects by the members, the panel occupying seats on the platform maintained almost a discreet silence during the free-for-all discussion......
Q I Would Be Obliged If You V Could Answer The
following questions: 1. Which speed restrictions would apply to a preserved bus or coach which is taxed private/y? 2. Could such a vehicle (manufactured in 1950) be fitted with......
Q Our Wrecker Is Classed As A Light Locomotive, And...
to the Regulations we send an attendant with it as well as the driver. However, I am told that yet another man should be carried when a broken-down vehicle is being recovered.......
Q We Are Motor Dealers And As Such Are Issued With
trade plates. We collect new chassis cab assemblies which have often no rear mudguards —obviously the wings are usually integral with the bodywork. However, we move secondhand......
If My Driver Is Directed To Divert From His Route
into a traffic census or other check point, is he obliged to do so or can he ask to be allowed to proceed? The Road Traffic Act 1974 by virtue of Section 6 added a new Section......