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" Slaphappy " Case : Appeal Coming
W HEN a West Hartlepool haulier, Mr. J. R. Henderson, and three of his drivers, appeared at West Hartlepool Court - to answer 41 summonses under the Road and Rail Traffic Act,......
Coventry To Introduce Economies
R ATHER than seek to raise fares at present, Coventry •Transport Department is to introduce working economies to combat the £75,000 deficiency which it faces this year. Cllr. R.......
S.a. Opportunities Remain Limited
THERE is little hope that South . 1 Africa will be able to increase import allocations for the motor industry. This statement by Mr.. Eric Louw. Minister of Economic Affairs for......
Alexander Told To Quit The Drill Hall In Market Street, St.
Andrews, is occupied by W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., as a garage, but Fife County Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association has now notified the company that tenancy must be......
U.s. To Make Fibrak Separators A Large Plant Now Being Set
up at Boston, Mass., is to produce the Oldham Fibrak battery separator under licence. Fibrak separators are being fitted to an increasing variety of Oldham batteries, and......
Ceylon Reduces Duty
R EDUCED import duties on commercial vehicles were announced, last week, by Mr. J. R. Jayawardene, Finance Minister of Ceylon. The preferential duty on buses and goods vehicles......
R.h.(37) Published Collowing The Recent Negotiations 1...
road transport workers, the Road Haulage Wages Council has published R.H.(37), which sets out the proposed new wage stales. Written representations on the proposals must be sent......
New 4 !c.m." Index Available R'opies Of The Index To Volume
of "The Commercial Motor," August 4, 1950. to January 26, 1951, are now available price Is. 2d., postage included, from Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.I.......
Trades Council To Oppose B.m.m.o.
A NY further application by thern Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd, to raise fares will be strongly opposed by the Midland Federation of Trades Councils, which is......
,payen Withdraws Discount
I T is announced by J. Payen, Ltd., Slough, that the demand for its decarbonizing sets is so far in excess of available supplies that it has become necessary to limit by......
Sagltenay Sell-out Kiegotiations Are Proceeding For
1 1 the purchase of the Saguenay Autobus Co., Chicoutimi, by the Provincial Transport Co., Montreal. The owner of the Saguenay Autobus Co., Mr. 0, Crevier, a former taxicab......
In A Line Or Two
As from August 1, the address of the Traders' Traffic Conference is 124, Cardiff Road, Llandaff, Glamorganshire. The last privately owned tramway in Great Britain. operated by......