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Bultuell Transport Fined E -i Or Failing To Observe The...
of their B licence, the Bulwell Transport Co., Ltd., Linby Street, Nottingham, were fined £10, with £1 10s. costs, at Nottingham last week. Mr. R. S. Whitby, for the East......
" Unfair " Discrimination Alleged
F ARE increases granted to Huddersfield Joint Omnibus Committee in April discriminated unfairly against Holmfirth passengers, said Mr. D. H. Nicholson, clerk to Holmfirth Urban......
Five Vehicles Added To Licence
F IVE vehicles were added to the B licence of Transport (Bristol), Ltd., Cattle Market Road, Bristol, by the Western Licensing Authority last week. The vehicles were under......
No Action On C-hiring Yet
A LTHOUGH anxiety about the -rt transfer of vehicles from C-hiring margins to A and B licences was expressed at last week's meeting of the national executive committee of the......