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Mini Drawbar
A stepframe mini drawbar trailer is being produced by York. The trailer has no suspension and requires little maintenance. The 1 ft 3in. high lower deck section is manufactured......
Signs /guards
Hatcher now produces a vehicle display /marker system. The sign message is printed on selfadhesive vinyl material in a variety of colours and finishes and can be produced to any......
Fluid Couplings
Scoop control fluid couplings, type SCR, are featured in a four-page colour brochure available from Fluidrive Engineering. Cross-sectional diagrams explain the workings of scoop......
Warning Switch
Apart from energising rear stoplights on air-operated spring brake circuits, the low-pressure warning valve from lntertruck fits air reservoirs and relay emer gency valves and......
Engine Coolant
Improved engine efficiency is obtained says Walker (Century Oils), by using Royal Snowdrift Universal Antifreeze and Allseasons Engine coolant. Mixed with water on an equal......
Pollution Monitor
Portable carbon monoxid monitors are now marketed b Analysis Automation. There are six models, eac having a different range of scal deflections between 0 and 200 parts per......
Work Suits
A range of outdoor work suits, made of water vapour permeable fabric which lets the wearer pespire without discomfort, has been introduced by Jeltek. The Microvent suits have a......