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Five Transporters For Avon
A T Birmin g ham last week Avon Car Transporters Ltd., Solihull, successfully applied to add five transporters to their existin g B licence, g ivin g them a total fleet of 15.......
Surplus Of Tippers In Berkshire
THERE were far too many tippers in 1 Berkshire already, and the g rant of 2,000 short-term licences for tipper operations in the South Eastern and Metropolitan areas last year......
'substitute—not Add' Says Tribunal
A N appeal by the Transport Holdin g Company (BRS) a g ainst the decision of the Yorkshire Licensin g Authority to add three artics to the 57-vehicle fleet operated by Hunters......
Three Out Of Six For Road Transport
A N East London firm of hauliers, Pad Transport, was g ranted three additional artics by the Metropolitan Licensin g Authority, Mr. D. I. R. Muir, in London on Tuesday. Pad had......
Minister Orders Psv Revocation
THE West Midland Traffic Commis/ sioners have been ordered to revoke the road Service licences g ranted to Kendrick Transport Ltd., Dudley, as a result of a decision by the......
Mendip Contract Bid —stiff Opposition
T 10ENCE applications by a company -1.-o whose vehicles had continued to work for a Mendip quarry during the strike by local operators for better rates last July, met stiff......
Golden Valley Appeal Fails
THE appeals by Golden Valley Trans' port Ltd., of Stoke Gifford, Gloucester, a g ainst the refusal by the Western Licensin g Authority of two applications, have been dismissed......