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Wincanton Appoints Development Head
THE WINCANTON Group has appointed a new transport development manager. Alastair Elder takes over the post and will be based at the company's Somerset headquarters. He joined the......
Mcvey New Md For Cm
CM's PARENT company Business Press International has appointed a new managing director for its Transport Press sub-division. Graham McVey is currently a managing director of......
Manpower Moved
NEW COMMERCIAL and marketing managers have taken over at Lucas Kienzle Instruments, the tachograph and speed limiter company. ANDREW EMM has succeeded JIM BOYD as commercial......
Pulford Retires From National Carriers
ERIC PULFORD has retired af 13 years as personnel manac of National Carriers Parcels. He moved to the Birminghi based National Freight Cons tium subsidiary from Londr where he......
Managers Switch Nbc Subsidiaries
NEW GENERAL managers hr been announced for thr National Bus Company subsic ries — Trent, West Riding z Alder Valley — from January 1 This follows the appointm of their present......
Drew Park Has Become Sales And Marketing Director Of...
Dobson of Edinburgh to accelerate the planned growth of Dobson's distribution activities. His main drive will be initially in Scotland and, in the longer term, south of the......
Ian Robertson Has Become Managing Director Of Mitchell Ct...
(UK), based at the company's major new premises Rain ham, Essex. Before joining Mitchell Cotts he was managing director of Cu Line and involved in shipping, forwarding and......