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Crackdown Onforeig Overloaders
• This year almost 9,000 foreign lorries will be checked for overloading — an increase of 50%. Transport Secretary Paul Channon told MPs last week that the 11 ports with......
• Government Plans For A 15-year Road Bridge...
announced by junior transport minister Peter Bottomley last week will be backed by a spending programme of more than £1 billion. This year the Government is spending £50 million......
Lancashire Lads Take On Paris-dakar
• What has four engines and gearboxes, ten turbochargers and a combined power output of 1,640kW (2,200hp)? The answer is Dafs pair of TurboTwin 4 x4 trucks with which the Dutch......
Cd Player Relayed To Winner Wilson
• A brand new Philips FCD 565 Compact Disc midi system is winging its way to Joe Wilson of Sandbach, Cheshire, who won the recent Commercial Motor/Leyland Daf Relay competition.......
Late '95' Deliveries Hit Leyland Daf's Market Bid
• Delivery delays on Leyland Dafs new 95 Series look like affecting the company's bid to finish 1987 at the top of the truck market above 3.5 tonnes. Over the past few months......
• Hauliers Will Pay Less For Their International Road...
From next year the multi-lateral EC/ECMT annual permit will cost £100, compared with the present £105. The threemonth permit will cost £26 instead of £27. The single-journey......