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B.r.s. Pay Rise To Increase Rates ?
IT is understood that British Road i Services' charges are likely to be affected by the pay rise granted . to operating grades. Already, some customers holding contract-hire......
Court Appearance Compromises Driver
B Y appearing in court, a lorry .driver accused of speeding had put himself in a worse position than if he had not appeared, said Sir Leonard Costello, chairman of the......
New Transport Companies A.d.f.j. Transport Co., Ltd. Cap....
'F. 3. Davies, 56 Chepstow Road, Newport, Man, and W. I, Adams, 268 Cardiff Road, Newport, Mon. Reg. office: 49 Windsor Road, Newport, Mon. J. H. Walker and Sons (Contractors of......
No Buyer For B.r.s. (parcels)
A S forecast in The Commercial Motor, no tender has been received for the business of B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd. The Road Haulage Association have stated that the Government should......