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Police Warning: Don't Pull Over Trucks For Bogus Cops
POLICE HAVE warned operatoils to be on the look out for bogus police officers who attempt to stop trucks in order to steal them. The warning follows an attempted deception in......
Rage Attack Om Foreign Driver
A HUNGARIAN truck driver seriously ill in hospital following road rage attack in Birminghai which left him needing surgery The incident happened late °nth evening of 26 January......
Security Unit Reaches Russia
PAN-EUROPEAN SECURIT' firm Eurowatch has expanded it service to include the Baltic Sate and Russia.The service allows sut scribers who have had their load stolen to call a......
Witnesses To Collision Wanted
SOUTHYORKSH1RE police are appealing for information following a collision between a car and a car transporter which left a Conisborough man badly injured. The incident happened......