3rd January 1958, Page 40
3rd January 1958
Page 40

Page 40, 3rd January 1958
Multi-purpose 6 X 6 Crash Tender
A THORNYCROFT Nubian 6 x 6 PI multi-purpose air-crash tender has been supplied to Basra Airport to the order of the Crown Agents for Oversea Governments and Administrations. It......
New Perkins Combustion Chamber
D ETAILS of the combustion system employed by F. Perkins, Ltd., Peterborough, in their new Four 99 1.6-litre oil engine, have now been released. It is covered by British Patent......
Future Business Not Evidence, Say &r.
A CASE for additional vehicles could rAriot be made out by a haulier on the grounds of traffic which he might get in the future, but about which he was not certain. This was......