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Retrofitting Limiters
result of a consensus. UK Transport Secretary Malcolm Rifkind could not make the meeting because of an IRA bomb scare. But the Government did not vote against the proposal......
Forward Register • Blacklists Of Bad Payers Are No Answer
to bad debts, according to Owner Operators UK, nor is "disruptive action". Instead 00UK's Rob McHugh (above), responding to initiatives by other haulier groups, wants......
Whisky Driver Is Held As Hostage
• An owner-driver was tied up in his cab for eight hours, while two hijackers stole his £140,000 load of whisky. Michael Paxton was set upon while he was sleeping in his......
Opposition Increases
• One in 15 0-licence applications are now opposed on environmental grounds, compared with one in 100 before 1984 when residents were not allowed to contest licence bids,......
Haulier Keeps Ici Cargo
• London-based haulier Robin Brown of Eurospeed is still holding the valuable cargo of textile beams he impounded four months ago, following the collapse of clearing house BSE......