3rd January 2008, Page 11
3rd January 2008
Page 11

Page 11, 3rd January 2008
Engine: 1.811t Diesel, 74hp/175nm, 89hp/220nm,...
SWB 24 July 2003 I_WB 19 Aoril 2007 11 you ever need evidence on the benefits of sound design, take Ford's Transit Connect for a spin it proves that a well developed product......
Engine: 1.2 Lit Petrol, 75h P/105nm, 95hpli 48n M, 1
5-lit dicsel, 60hp/130N rh, 70hp/160Nmi, 85hp/200Nm TransmisI Sion: FWD, 5spd man GVW:1.615-1,690kg Load volume: 2.8m 3 MODE'S TESTED/ PUBLISH ED: BISTAR 11 March 2004 Based on......