3rd June 1949, Page 7
3rd June 1949
Page 7

Page 7, 3rd June 1949
Bigger Buses With More Standing Room Would Cut Costs
A N increase in the standing capacity Cl of public-service vehicles, at present prohibited by law, was advocated by Mr. W. M. Little, transport manager of Edinburgh Corporation,......
Minister's Doubts On Pay-as-you Enter Fare System
IN a letter to Cardiff Transport' Coinas. mittee, the Minister of Transport has f.spressed "grave . - donbts" . about the afficiency of the present pay-as-yoiil niter system. He......
Supply Of Vehicles Exceeds Demand
THE urgent need to replace worn ,. out vehicles is past. Fleets have been re-equipped mainly by British and American products: in consequence, supply now exceeds demand," said......