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Ridley: 'w
want 40' • The UK Governn wants 40-tonne lorries, Tra port Secretary Nicholas Rid has told MEPs. Speaking to the Europear Parliament's transport comr tee, which met in London IE......
. . So Do We, Says Fta
The Freight Transport Asation made a spirited de:e of its campaign for 40e lorries this week. his final public en ement before relinquishing :e, FTA president Dennis chings told......
I A Welshman, Rank Flovis Macdougall's Head If...
['hiHips, was this week 3lected president of the Freight Transport Asso:lotion to succeed Thorn EMI's Dennis Hutchings who has completed two years as president. Phillips has......
Fta Road Men 'boo' Chunnel
• The Freight Transport Association's image as a multimodal organisation was worn thin this week when some members took exception to Transport Minister David Mitchell's......
New-reg Date To Move Again?
• Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley is prepared to rethink the vehicle registration change-over date in 1987. Last month the Government said it would be changed from August 1......
Spaniard To Head Eec Transport Team
• British transport industry leaders' hopes that a Dutch civil servant would head the EEC's transport directorate have been dashed. The new director-general is to be a Spaniard.......