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Moulded Headboards
H EADBOARDS made from reinforced plastics in sizes to suit many light vans are now being marketed by Bedford Coachworks Co., Ltd., 12 Addison Close. Singleand double-sided units......
New Resins, Lower Prices A ' Ditions To Their Range Of...
polyester resins and a general reduction in polyester resin prices have been made by British Resin Products, Ltd. Eight new .isophthalic-based polyester resins, a new general......
No Shocks A Seat Mechanism Has Been Developed By A.
W. Chapman, Ltd., Fulham, S.W_6, which incorporates an hydraulic damper to prevent vibrations and shocks from bad road surfaces being felt by the driver. In addition to a......
Drawing Storage A Completely New Range Of
Ranplan _steel drawing-storage cabinets is now available from James H. Randall and Son, Ltd., Paddington Green Works, London, W.2. All units are to a standard height of 1 ft. 10......
Sealed - Charge Batteries 't'wo New Ranges Of Vehicle...
which the plates are charged and hermetically sealed at the factory, are being introduced by Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd. These batteries are transported and stored in......
Tyres And Wheels A Revised Issue Of Their C.v. T
1 - 1 and Wheel Data Book has IN published by the India Tyre Compa It covers a wide range of vehicles British manufacture and gives full deh of relevant tyre and wheel fittings.......
Hire - Purchase A Booklet Has Been Published
the Astley Industrial Trust, L. Alport House, Quay Street, M. thester, 3, giving information of the rai of hire-purchase facilities Provided by Astley Group of Companies.......
Headrest Covers C Oach-seat Headrest Covers Me From White...
are n made by Sansons (Campden) Plast Ltd., 121 Notting Hill Gate, Lond. W.11. The covers appear to be-well made a have elastic side fittings. These can replaced easily if they......
Illolyslip Booklet A N Illustrated Booklet, Entitled " Kc
ing Things Moving in Industi. dealing with the industrial range molybdenum disulphide products mai factured by the Slip Group of Compar is being issued through Monks and Cra......