3rd October 1996, Page 28
3rd October 1996
Page 28

Page 28, 3rd October 1996
(mem Special Test F Uel And Tyres Account For A Large
percentage of the overall operating costs of a goods vehicle. In today's cutthroat market a single thirsty vehicle or heavy-footed driver can mean the difference between profit......
• Test Procedure Traditional Methods Of Axle Alignment...
on various tools, from simple gauges to a piece of string. The latest systems are rather more sophisticated, and more expensive. Steertrak uses equipment supplied by Swedish......
First ryn: control Axles 1, 2 and 3: 90 to geometric centre line. Fuel used: 7.461it. Fuel consumption: 332.214/100km (8.53mpg). Before/after tyre temperatures (°C) Axle 1: ns,......